Segregration In South Africa

As I walked into this session, I barely had any thoughts about the apartheid problem in South Africa due to the fact that I had never heard the term being used a lot before. However, the speaker, was very friendly and she seemed eager to share her stories with us. However when the speaker was talking, I could sens a bit of sadness in her voice. She had clearly expressed in her speech that she was deeply involved withing the movement and that she cared a lot. I just expected the talk to have a lot of facts but what surprised me is the fact that she used a lot of personal examples and this helped me feel connected to the story. I could really understand where her perspective was coming from. For example she told us about various times where she herself had seen examples of racial behaviour and some of the examples were very crude and unique that I had never heard them anywhere else. After the talk I still wonder how much her family was involved with apartheid because she never mentioned them a lot. I would have asked her if she had a  specific moment which inspired her to help fight apartheid.

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