Do we worry too much about the effects technology has on our lives?

When considering the answer to this question, I looked at a few different sources. I first listened to the  IRL podcast – Digital Overload, where it quickly made me realize how much I use my phone. I related a lot to the following quotes “Separation anxiety when I left my phone at home” I always get…

Writers Fortnight – Reflection

“Our student-writers rose to the challenge, producing authentic, responsible and powerful pieces”   For this year’s Writers Fortnight, the grade 9 and grade 10 FIB students, myself included, had the opportunity to create authentic feature articles and op-eds. With this, we met several guest speakers, some being: collage artist and writer Graham Rawle, author and past…

Buddy Podcast – Reflection

After finishing the podcast (the steps when making the podcast on this post), I reflected on the process one last time to gather my thoughts and the skills I can take with me to help in the future. To reflect on the podcast, I first looked at the article, The Science of Developing Mental Toughness in…

Buddy Podcast – Final

[et_pb_section bb_built=”1″][et_pb_row][et_pb_column type=”4_4″][et_pb_audio _builder_version=”3.18.8″ title=”Buddy Podcast” artist_name=”Germaine + Chloe” audio=”” image_url=”” box_shadow_style=”preset1″ /][et_pb_text _builder_version=”3.18.8″] Shownotes In our podcast, we use sources from the internet to support our findings during the challenge. I used A Big Think video, “Why Do You Check Your Phone 150 Times a Day?” and a teen social media survey by Fortune, “Teens Would…

Buddy Podcast – Project Planner

For Dpers, we have been assigned a project where we get into pairs and do a challenge for 5 days, then, reflect on our findings through a podcast. The challenge we decided to take on was: Go screen free for breakfast, lunch, and dinner for 5 days. We have started to plan the project in this…