Gym – Refleciton 2 (Lo4)

LO4-Show commitment and perseverance in CAS experiences. Students can articulate the stages from conceiving an idea to executing a plan for a CAS experience or series of CAS experiences

Gym – first session (Lo2)

LO2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. Exercise is something that has not always been consistent in my life. Although I always heard about the great benefits of exercise on one’s physical and mental well-being, I somehow managed to always find an excuse to avoid doing it. Therefore, over…

Implications of COVID-19 on CAS (Lo6, Lo7) (including Project Week)

LO6-Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance. LO7-Recognize and consider the ethical implications of choices and actions Before we were in a pandemic, I wasn’t taking the situation too seriously. Especially since everyone around me was joking about it and didn’t seem too worried.  So I was surprised and a bit mad that they canceled…

Inkling – reflection 3 (Lo1)

LO1-Identify their own strengths and develop areas for growth My reflection for season 1 and 2:  My Articles: Procrastination Argentina dance General assembly Resolution Antibiotic Resistance Advisory Panel Committee – Detainment of Uighur Muslims  *Here is the website for Inkling including everyone’s work

Pottery – final reflection (Lo2)

LO2- Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process. After my first project, I continued to make several more pieces. Some things that I’ve learned about pottery are: It is best to sculpt your piece in one session or two (otherwise, it will harden and become much harder to shape) If…

Art and Craft with PCF 858 Kindergarten – Global Significance (Lo6)

LO6-Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance My initial reason for joining the service was that I thought it would be a fun activity. However, after learning the kindergartens(PCF SparkleTot’s) mission and spending some time with the kids, I have also realized the larger reason for joining this service.  PCF 858 Kindergarten is part of the PAP…