DPERS – On our devices

  1. I came up with this question through the process of elimination and keeping in my mind the question, “would this question start an interesting conversation?”. All of the ‘match ups’ quite difficult, but especially the last one to get to the final question because we had already been left with the best questions from the previous eliminations.
  2. An illogical fallacy that we would need to avoid during that conversation is “assuming that what’s true about one part of something has to be applied to all, or other, parts of it”. I think we need to avoid this because not everyone has access to social media or they may have access to only certain parts of it, so we need to consider that every person’s situation is different.
  3. I would say the Six ways social media is changing the world article because it mentions a variety of positive and negative points. This provides a balance for different opinions.
  4. The two articles I used: Six ways social media is changing the world and Digital media can enhance family life.

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DPERS – User Manual

What I value when working with others: I really appreciate it when people are open to working together and sharing ideas, I do understand some people are introverts so conversations will be shorter.

The #1 thing you can do to support me best when we work together is: Like I mentioned before, if we share ideas and questions then I feel like that really helps us both.

When it comes to tech, I’m good at using google stuff and some Adobe applications, and I need to get better at Adobe Photoshop because I can do some things with it, but I just prefer using other apps.

I think of myself as a balance between an introvert and an extrovert because if I’m in a group with introverts, I’ll try to get everyone to share their opinion and be the extrovert, but if I’m in a group of extroverts, I would just let them be. In group work, you may notice I might try to ask someone else something, please remember I’m just trying to include everyone 🙂

This photo represents me in a way because dog people are most of the time extroverts and cat people are usually introverts. I like dogs and cats so I’m a mix of an introvert and an extrovert.


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