EE – Interim Reflection

July 6, 2020

At this point, my research has provided necessary complexity to my topic, proving that it isn’t straightforward to come to a conclusion which is something important to address in my essay. I found that researching key concepts within the subjects gave me focus and another lens to investigate my RQ in-depth, for example the nutrition-transition model. However, primary research has proven to be a useful yet demanding resource as individual responses show contrasting beliefs, yet I’ve faced some difficulties transforming qualitative data into quantitative. One challenge that I’m struggling with is wrestling my passion for sustainability under control in order to maintain a clear focus on my RQ. After discussing with my supervisor, the sustainability angle seems lost however I can validate the environmental arguments as they are vital to my investigation.

Posted in EE

EE – Reflection 1

May 5, 2020

When starting the Extended Essay process, I was immediately drawn to world studies as its interdisciplinary approach felt like the perfect opportunity to combine two passions to focus on one theme. However, when it came to narrowing down my interests, the first hurdle I encountered was the conflict between my analytical English side and theory-based scientific side. I relied heavily on conversations with peers because I felt that this was a critical process to simultaneously gain an understanding of individual and overall perspectives on topics that interested me. After one especially thought-provoking conversation, I had the idea of combining them, which led me to my current topic. I’m extremely pleased that I managed to incorporate my strong passion for sustainability into my topic and I’m excited to see what I’ll learn during this process.

Posted in EE