CAS – First reflection of Grade 12…a moment to pause and reflect

Today we reflected about how our feelings about CAS had progressed over the year. The conversation we had was interesting as we talked about what we might do to either improve or maintain our current state and how to avoid dips. For the year ahead I see myself continuing with boxing in order to continue training and to further develop my leadership skills.


CAS – International Women’s day

How might your actions have helped move towards greater gender equality? Where might you have helped celebrate female achievements?

The first thing that comes to mind when I think about female empowerment in my life is in boxing. When I first started doing boxing, the ratio of girls to guys was pretty much 1:10. The majority were always guys. Perhaps this might’ve been because girls weren’t interested, but I’m quite sure that it’s because they were intimidated. I’m sure about this because I was also intimidated. Before I started doing boxing, I did Karate and I was the only girl in that class. Now, there’s a lot more girls who box at our school and that really makes me happy to see their confidence rise. For my student coach activity, my coaches initially spoke to me about the role so that it would empower more girls to join and to eventually help lead sessions. OH ON A SIDE NOTE: I LEAD THE WARM-UP ON FRIDAY, IT WAS QUITE SCARY BUT I DID IT.

Which woman in school has had a positive impact on you and why?

I’d say most, if not all of my female teachers that I’ve had in my almost 10 years at UWC. There are a few that stand out and they’re the ones who have definitely helped shaped my personality and my regard towards life and other people, just by being someone that I looked up to and idolised. I remember one of my middle school english teachers, Ms Pau, who was really extraordinary. She regularly dyed her hair and had many tattoos. I found her so cool. She inspired me in the little parts in life which add up to a big part of me.