1. What is your aim

My aim for enterprise is to set up a small business within the school during the next two years of this course that will become successful and profitable.


  1. What is one SMART objective you will use to get there

S – Specific: knowing the purpose of this goal and planning out various ways in which I will set out to achieve this.

M – Measurable: reflecting on and tracking progress along the way in order to accurately know when I have achieved the final outcome.

A – Attainable: taking steps to ensure the business is not only profitable and successful for a short period of time, but on a long term basis as well.

R – Realistic: ensuring that this goal fits in well with other objectives or learning I will be taking part in during enterprise.

T – Timely: not only taking into consideration the amount of time I have to achieve this goal, but also factoring in business challenges along the way.

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