Rubik’s Cube Club – Final


Solving Rubik’s cube is one of the activity that I do to spend my times. It’s fascinated for me to get faster time for each trials. In the beginning of this rubik’s cube club activity, I was quite happy on how friendly the environment is because each members of the club actually helped each other to solve the cube. I was also amazed that the scale of this cube is not only in campus but also Singapore as there was student participated in the competition for Singapore scale. However, as time goes by, I realized that I found this club was a bit disappointed because some of the other members are not putting their commitment and mostly absent during the activity, and the teacher who supervise and taking the attendance didn’t have solid agenda of what we were going to do for every meeting. Nevertheless, I don’t lost my motivation on solving rubik’s because somehow I feel that’s some kind of meditation for me because I find myself just focuses on solving the cube and not thinking about anything else such as school works. Therefore, whenever it’s time for this club, I spent it just to focus to my ability to solve the cube despite the fact that the other member were not there.

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