Paper 1 : Feedback

I think I have done well in analysing each of the visual and written text, which I did it by looking closely by what the advertisement was showing and how it connected to the social problem around the world. Also in the text, I was able to realise how they used specific people and wording.

I think it would have been better if I had considered and brought up more on the specific types of skills used in the text. Also, I did not connect the analysis of the texts to show the company was advertising. It was hard for me to take in consideration that the print advertisement was made during the “Great Depression” in the US.


Reflection : 22/11/19 – Service

How might collaboration have been important to success this term?

In my service, we have been interacting with Intellectual Disability people, working with them to improve their skills on floorball and basketball for the client’s aim in the Special Olympics Singapore 2020.


The group had planned some small activities for each of the sports, but was told by the client that they will be having the specific skill activities planned for us to do with the clients. We did not have much detail on what the Specific Olympics were going to be about and how much skills the clients had.

I and my partner has been working with one of the clients for the past 2 weeks, and have seen some skills that the client already has and what can be improved for them. Our collaboration is important in order to interact and help them reach their goals, by understanding and finding out what is comfortable for them, and how we can keep them on task so that we know that they are able to understand what we are teaching and learn from it.



Personality Trait – Reflection

My personality trait was ESTJ.

I thought that the Extrovert part did not fit me that well at the start when I was seeing other people who had E as their first letter. This was because I considered myself a quiet and not outgoing person in huge groups, as this is what I hear from my friends and teachers. Instead, when I read the explanation, I understood why the personality trait was true for me, as it talked about outgoing in terms of in small groups like my friendship group and sports teams. I feel that the trait of Sensor, Thinker, and Judger are true for me too.

I think this activity lets people compare the personality that themselves think of and what others see it as.


Liza Donnelly

Shows contrast of stereotypes of girls and boys by the types of toys they are playing in the cartoon.

There is also a contrast shown in the contrast between the equal world in the picture and the unequal state in the real world.

The quote in the text is not a type of thing that a child would say in their conversation, which shows how it is a huge problem in society. The word “believed” shows what should actually happen in the real-life, in the problem of raping.

The audience of the cartoon is men, addressing the problem of raping in society.