Reflection : 06/02/20

After Seasons 1 and 2, we have done both the floorball and basketball activities in order to help the clients improve their skills.

Today at the end of season 2, we had a session at school doing the SWOT analysis as the whole group.

We were able to consider what went well during the seasons and what could be improved for the next 2 seasons. I think that our group interacted well as a group and individually myself, as I got more comfortable and confident interacting with them. The skills of collaboration and communication are more important when interacting with the ID people, much more than with my classmates or friends.

The rules and skills required for the Special Olympics have changed this year, therefore the client has decided to not join the 2020 games, but instead to continue the partnership by us planning some activities that can be done with the ID people. I am looking forward to planning and taking action on the activities that can lead to the Sustainable Development Goals 3 of “Good Health and Well-being” for ID people as well.

 Image result for sdg 3

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One thought on “Reflection : 06/02/20

  1. Your reflection is thoughtful Ayami and I can feel your enthusiasm for the next stage of our service. Whilst it is a shame not to be competing in 2020, you can now have bigger input into the activities going forward, so that is very exciting.

    I think that having the same client each week helped you all build up that 1-1 relationship. I saw the awkwardness and nerves many of you felt fall away very quickly, and I witnessed you genuinely enjoy many sessions.

    Do you foresee any threats as we move into seasons 3&4?

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