Horse Riding Expedition, Australia

I have attended the Horse Riding trip to Australia during the October break. From all the discoveries on all sides of the compass I had in this trip, I have chosen to write about the social of people taking care of the horses. Since we had a four hour drive to where we learned to horse ride from the Perth airport, we had not much time to meet villagers in the city area. Still, I had many new learnings from the instructors on how people working there live, which can connect to the farmers of all kinds of animals which many villagers in Australia is common to. In general, most of the instructors worked at the farm, which was called Jesters Flat, as a full time worker even if no visitors were there. This was because they still had to take care of the horses everyday for the whole day from around 9am to 4pm. Also, they had part time worker who had this job as not their first job, but as their second, for coming in and helping for some days of the week. This happened for instructors who had kids, but still loved horses and wanted to help and ride as many days as they could. All the instructors were aAustralian and had been riding from less than the age of 7 which is over 20 years. The instructors do not live with the horses, but live close enough that they could drive everyday in the morning. One of the afternoon during the trip, there was a villager who taught as the living in modern days on the other part of Australia. Their language had some speciality and used kangaroo for clothing and tools. From this experience, I learned that even in developed country like Australia, they still used animal skin and the environment to live during our grandparent’s generation. The person also taught us that the human were so much closer to the environment in modern days than now, as even with little knowledge of uses on plastics and metals, they had enough for living with the environment, which they also had to take care of for their future generations. The instructors looked really happy to be able to work and help us learn and spread the fun and importance of people who take care and also visitors. Even the beginners who never had ridden horses before, but wanted to just have fun were able to learn to ride horses on our own. Also I think it was a very important experience to be able to learn how to take care of the horses that we enjoy playing and riding on, as they thought us how tough the taking care part and that if the instructors do not take care of the animals, they are not able to clean up themselves and find good food. I think this is also why Australia is clean, because humans there can take care of themselves and the actions they take easily, as many of them take care of animals too, which I think is a harder work than just for themselves. I am really glad with all the experiences and learnings I had during this trip.