#metoo Movement

How do you think the #metoo movement has impacted our society?

I think many people became more aware of the fact that there are a lot of things like sexual harassment happening in society. This movement was moving in a positive way until it started to spread too much and some people started to use the hashtag for different reasons. There were leaders of the society, who impacted and caused problems in connection to this movement. The examples we looked at in class of Trump, Cosby, Harvey W, Bill C and Matthew W are some of them. It has caused effects on the representation of gender (most commonly women) in society.

Thinking about the IB concepts of identity and representation, how do you think the #metoo movement could potentially change how TV/film/adverts represent men and women?

There are many TVs, films and adverts that represent women in a way that is very typical. For example, the fact that people with darker colour suffer more or high expectations of women body shape. There are identities of gender that are misrepresented or not understood, which are sometimes seen in texts and how they represent it. From the research in class, we have found out how much of a serious problem this is and that the emotional depress that people get from these harassments are very intense and not fixable, for example with money. 

Which global issues do you think the #metoo movement relates to?

I think the movement relates to the problem of gender equality. The fact that there is a comparison between women and men, and expectations occur even in the gender type, it is a problem of people not treated equally just because of their identity. For example in the comedy clip that we watched in class about the audition of a role of ‘leading women’, there was discrimination just by the skin colour, age, and body shape of women.


Representation – Groups of People

Can texts ever be truly representative of groups of people?

Representation of groups on text can not all be true. This is because the information in each text can be viewed differently by different authors. The difference in the cultural backgrounds they have and the way they view different situations.

For example, in “Crazy Rich Asians”, the view of the rich people in Singapore is different from whether a Singaporean person who has only lived in Singapore looks at it, or a person in Europe who has not visited Asia/Singapore before. Another example is that there are quite a lot of films and texts that show the ‘Asian characteristics’ people call it as. Eg. quiet, mathematical, piano players. These are not all true, but when it comes to texts, people tend to imagine the Asians as a character having these characteristics.

Who gets to represent a group and who doesn’t?

I think that anyone is allowed to represent any group they want, but just not in a way of being racist or stating the comparison between the groups. There are different ways people see about each group (eg. religion, culture, belief), which can lead to the learning for people to know how he people in the other group of have a different background see about the group you are in.

For example in “Crazy Rich Asians”, it was produced by an Asian author(Kevin Kwan) and director(Jon M. Chu). This represents how the Chinese-American people themselves see the group of people shown in the film.