LO6-Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance. Students are able to identify and demonstrate their understanding of global issues, make responsible decisions, and take appropriate action in response to the issue either locally, nationally or internationally.


Since Grade 9 I have had the opportunity to be involved in the global initiative of ending human trafficking. My role in the GC has been from the start to spread our message, invite others to join the GC and raise awareness of the issue. I have accomplished this by always taking on the role of designing posters, flyers, tickets…

Even though sometimes it seems that we or more specifically my actions seem to be distant from the core of the issue. By participating to the best of my abilities I have grown aware of the devastating problem. My involvement is minimal when looking at the bigger picture, but I have found an angle that is entirely under my control now – communication. I try to help through this measure by using skills I have developed over the course of two years.

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