During the final round of reflections for my EE, I considered what I would have done differently if I could have restarted this project. I would have organized my ideas and plans more thoroughly from the start to avoid having to rethink the structure of my essay during the final stages. I would have also focused on the theory earlier in the project to ensure that my understanding was as thorough as it could be before embarking on the experiments. Through this essay, I was able to get first-hand experience of what a serious research project in the biomedical sciences would look like since I hope to become an immunologist and conduct clinical research in the future. Even though this project was in no way groundbreaking research, it was, however, a small step that will enable future projects to be carried out. Writing this EE has taught me how to concisely and effectively communicate a long term scientific project and not only consider and understand in great detail the background knowledge but also ensured that I was aware of all aspects of my project. 


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