RC3 Viva Voce

With regards to my EE research, if I had to repeat the process I think I would start by obtaining a clear narrative of the period that I would want to study. Then choosing my question as if the question is derived from the narrative, in the realms of history it aims to provide a guarantee of a direct answer. However, I chose my question and then decided to find out the discourse which in some way hindered the effectiveness of the question. This would have led to perhaps a question more focused on the outcome on the causation of this event as opposed to the consequences. I believe that once the question was chosen however the depth of research that I had conducted allowed myself to refine the question and make it targeted more towards the exploration I was trying to achieve. Questions surrounding my self-identity arose through this research as I felt a new connection to where I was from through insight that I had not known prior. I began to wonder whether this knowledge made me more in tune to the place I was from which then made me feel prouder of where I was born.

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