CAS — Kahaani Initial

Kahaani is an Indian dance production which raises money for children’s education in India. I am Indian and I also learnt Indian dancing when I was younger. Due to this, I was aware of the types of skills I would need during the activity. I also had a small amount of experience and understanding regarding the dances so this also helped me. I was aware that I had some level of experience with this activity, this awareness made it much easier for me initially because I was able to understand the instructions of the dance choreographers and my coordinators. Nonetheles, I was also aware that I had some weaknesses in Indian dance. In terms of technique, my experience was not very refined so I had to try harder to refine my steps in my free time outside of the allocated activity times. One of my weaknesses was not being expressive enough, this is a very important component which I needed to improve on.

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