Memoirs of the Pioneer Generation – Initial


Memoirs of the Pioneer generation is a service which works with the elderly. We regularly visit an elderly home. We plan and prepare activities which we can do with the elderly. The service attempts to take the issue of the generational gap in Singapore. The elderly make up the majority of the Singaporean population. With this big population gap, the elderly do not interact with the younger generation as much and we, being the younger generation, are not able to interact with the elder generation as much. This service aims to bridge that gap. What is interesting about this service is that we also write memoirs based on stories and events which we learn about the elders at the elderly home. In doing so, I believe that we are able to develop the intergenerational community within Singapore. Furthermore, we learnt that many of the elders at the elderly home we visit do not get many visitors during the day. When we enter the home, most of them feel much happier and it is apparent that they appreciate us interacting with them. This was the main thing that I loved about the service. Interacting with the elder and being able to make them laugh, even if its just once a week, is something I look forward to all the time. The service has a positive impact in that regard, the elders are able to interact with a wider range of people and are able to feel like they are part of a bigger community. I think the service has made me more open-minded regarding the elder generation. Due to media, I had a slight perception that the elder generation would be very conservative and that our values wouldn’t match. But after interacting with the elders more often I came to two realisations. Firstly, not all elders fit this stereotype of being conservative and up-tight. Secondly, I realised that these differences between generations do not matter as much as I initially thought. I realised that even though there are clear differences between our generations, we are still able to laugh and have fun with one another.

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