Memoirs of the Pioneer Generation — Final

Due to covid-19 we shifted our focuse from elderly care to global issues and current news. Due to this, we were able to learn more about current news and its impact on the people around us. We interviewed people regarding their opinions on the world news. We thought it would be very significant to document this as the problems happening in the world right now are historical and having doccumentation regarding the opinions of a variety of people can be very interesting and helpful when trying to make a change. Furthermore, we found that the people being inteviewed thought that the process was very theraputic and helpful. One example of this is when we interviewed a black student who goes to our school regarding the black lives matter movement. It was very interesting to see how his ethnicity sided with the protests, however his exposure to the anti-crowd culture in Singapore during covid made him wonder whether or not the protests were worth it during this time.

I think we faced an ethical decision when changing the course of our service. I was very heartbroken to pause our partnership with the elderly care center as we had built very strong relationships with the people there. I kept wondering if it was ethical to just pause the partnership duing a time where everyone is facing some form of struggle. We thought that we had no other choice as virtual meetings did not seem to help either parties.

As the service year ended, I debriefed all the members. I also began preparing to pitch the service to new students during the next academic year. I collaborated with a chair of another service to organise virtual panel discussions in which students would be able to learn about a variety of services at our school.

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