Badminton Mid

I have been on the badminton team for many years now. However, I am fully aware that I don’t practice badminton as much as some of my peers. Because of this, I am aware that I am not the best badminton player nor am I the most commited.

This year many people signed up for badminton. Because of this, my coach seperated the players into three groups: very skilled, average and recreational. I was put into the ‘average’ group. I understand fully why my coach did this. However, it was very difficult to see many of my friends get into the ‘very skilled’ group. It made it more difficult because the skilled group trained in the morning while the rest trained in the evening. Furthermore, the morning training group is the predicted A team in the future while the average group is the predicted B team. This made it even more challengning because I felt as though I had failed myself by not training enough. I was thinking that I was better than some of the people in the A team before, but my lack of training and commitment had made me stagnated. This notion was a big challenge for me to accept.

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