Project Week


Prior to beginning the investigation, our group was sure that we wanted to go trekking. We began researching various different providers and took note of their pricing, trip duration, transportation, accommodation and food options. After analysing multiple providers we finally chose one. The trek we chose was fairly challenging as we were all slightly experienced trekkers, we were excited to take on a challenge.


We assigned tasks to each group member. This will help us to collaborate, communicate and to effectively finish our tasks. Greater collaboration will help us to balance project week work with other aspects of our life. This will also help to avoid conflicts as we will be distributing the work equally.

The trek itself is labelled as challenging hence we will need to exercise one to three times a week in order to build our physical endurance. Once we reach the peak of the mountain, we will know that all our hard work has paid off.

We aim to travel sustainably. We plan to bring our own Tupperware and bottles which we can reuse when eating and drinking. Before leaving the camp area we will also take a walk around the area before leaving to pick up and polluted trash. In doing so, we hope to reduce our use of plastic and impact on the environment.


We created a workout plan which all of us can follow:

2 nonconsecutive days of strength training 

2 non consecutive rest days;

3 non consecutive cardio sessions weekly until the final two weeks

The workout is intentionally flexible so each group member can fit it into their busy routine. Furthermore, we haven’t specified the exercises because each one of us has a different body type so it is important to do workouts catered to our own body. I began working out, as I already do sports most days of the week it wasn’t hard. The hard part was making time to do the exercise as I had to manage my time very well. Another difficulty was feeling fatigued. It was difficult to do workouts two days in a row even if they weren’t the same type of workout because I would often feel tired.


The process so far has been stressful but I am excited to see the end result. We have had continuous contact with ‘Tiawan Adventures’ (our provider). I have developed a lot of important collaboration and collaborative skills through this process. The distribution of tasks at first wasn’t equal so our group began fighting to some extent. However, we sorted it out by talking to one another and discussing how we could solve it. After arguing and apologising, we were on better terms and were working together better than ever.


Project Week was cancelled due to Covid-19

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