EE Vica Voce – Final reflection with supervisor

Some of the high points of the research were researching specific details of the culture and being able to gain in depth range of knowledge about the origins of the art style. This helped me identify how this was perhaps influenced by the latter culture, as through history and the interactions of war. I felt like some of the low points of the research is it may be rather subjective and not plausible as it was often hard to establish a direct cause and effect relationship apart from quotes of the respective artist.

I used a flowchart to further illustrate my comparisons and to justify the points and claims I am making. I represented the sequence of events and closely linked and timed events could result in a stronger claim. If I chose this topic again I would perhaps refocus on two artists rather than the wider scope of the art style in some respect to the two artists. This may allow me to have more in depth analysis on the artist’s style and framing.

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