LO4 – Commitment: Showing perseverance and resilience

Running has always been a big part of my life. Track and field is an outlet in which I can pursue goals and improve. This season has been quite tough due to covid and injury. Covid has cancelled many races making it hard to train with intention as we are unsure how to structure our training in order to peak at the right time. This season, despite intermittent moments of uncertainty, has been a tiringly long one. I stuck with the mentality of ‘training through’ covid and therefore did not get much of a rest for what has been nearly a year. Further, in June I injured my hamstring quite badly and that was very painful. It was either a strain or a tear, though not officially diagnosed. It was hard not being able to run for some time, but I was very literally in a lot of physical pain, in that it was hard to move for some weeks without pain. It was extremely frustrating but it is still not gone, although mostly healed. I feel that I have shown perseverance in the face of all these obstacles. This season so far has been about getting myself into racing shape, and I am starting to see the light at the end of the tunnel. I have stayed committed and believed in myself, my potential and the training process. I am trying to salvage and make the best of this season, regardless of what the final outcome might be. I am looking forward to finishing the rest of this season strong!