LO2 – Undertaken new challenges and developing new skills

I joined Culturama as I have heard rave reviews from my peers about how fun it is to be a part of. Of course, I needed it to fulfil my CAS requirements, and I figured it would be an enjoyable way to spend my time. This year is my first time participating in Culturama. So far, it has been difficult for me to assimilate to the fast-paced nature of learning dance moves. I believe that we are on quite a tight deadline this year, and suffice to say I am not nearly good enough of a dancer to learn these moves as well and efficiently as some others in my group. However, I am enjoying the process and believe this will be a major learning curve for me when we finally do get to perform, as this will be a new experience for me. I have always shied away from the performing arts due to my introverted nature, and this is really stepping out of my comfort zone.

LO4 – Commitment and resilience

Despite struggling initially with learning the new dance moves, I am persevering not only because I want the best final outcome for the group during the show, but also because I can see what personal value lies in the pursuit of an activity that one does not have a natural inclination towards – you may never be the best at it, but you learn and grow regardless. Looking forward to more!