This is my first time doing this service, and too my first time doing a local service in quite a while. I joined Memoirs because I enjoy writing and wanted to use my skills in a way that could be helpful for others. So far, we haven’t been able to do much in terms of speaking with the elders, however, we have managed to engage in some fun activities. These activities were quite reflective and collaborative in nature and required me to be quite open. As someone who is quite introverted, this not only gave me the opportunity to step out of my comfort zone and have meaningful discussions with others but also helped me become aware of the skills I will need to hold effective conversations with the elders. As such, I hope I continue to grow in these respects. These first few sessions have really been about acquainting ourselves with one another and the skills that we need to achieve fruitful results this year. I’m looking forward to the rest of the season and the year!