1) An abusive relationship is one in which a person feels unsafe and uncomfortable, and feels that they cannot talk to their partner for fear of repercussion. There is a lack of trust and the use of underhanded strategies such as gaslighting, accompanied by an environment of hostility. Abuse encompasses physical abuse but also psychological and emotional abuse.

2) Consent can often yield different definitions from different people and is thus a blurry line to cross. From the video we watched, people had different reflections on whether or not they felt the scenario demonstrated was rape. While it is easy to draw clear verbal boundaries, when put into action, it is not quite as simple.

4) People may not have been sure whether or not they were required to step in as they didn’t know all the details of the situation/the full story. Further, they might have felt that intervening would put themselves in danger and be of detriment to both the victim and themselves. This is particularly true in the case of the flatmate. It is also possible that the bystanders did not know if they were capable of stepping and could have presumed they would be unsuccessful at intervening and thus did not even attempt to do so.