LO2 – Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process.

LO5 – Demonstrate the skills and recognize the benefits of working collaboratively.

During Culturama, I was able to collaborate with a whole new group of people that for the most part, I have never interacted with to form a cohesive and supportive group environment that ultimately produced a fantastic final performance. It was often hard to coordinate times to practice, as well as (mainly for me) to actually learn the dance moves. Further, when the time came to finally perform on stage, it was difficult for us to ascertain exactly how to position ourselves as these instructions were not explicitly given by our dance leaders. However, we worked together (quite hurriedly and anxiously, might I add) to resolve this issue. I can honestly say that I am still not a good dancer but at least I proved to myself I can do it. I preserved and learned the dances to the best of my ability. I am not naturally confident or good at communicating with large groups of people; before I would have laughed at the idea of my dancing being up for public viewing. But I have, I believe, shed some of that underlying apprehension that for so long besieged me.