Tanisha Patil

My Learning Portfolio



My G9 Personal Statement

I have an existential crisis every other day.  Why do I exist? Do I actually exist… or do I just think I do? I often ponder the futility of life, of how everything you’ve ever done will eventually culminate in… Continue Reading →

My Thoughts on the Black Lives Matter Movement

When I first heard of the killing of George Floyd, I’ll admit I reacted as one normally would when presented with unpleasant news. I grimaced. I felt sorry; grieved his loss. Another life lost; unfortunate, but it happens every day…. Continue Reading →

My Year in Service

Through my ninth grade year, I have had the privilege to be part of two services at UWC. They were Daraja GC, which I was part of for the whole year, and SUN-DAC, a local service which was to be… Continue Reading →

Underwater Journalism and Photography

Al Hornsby, Underwater Photographer and Journalist, came to our school to give us students a truly eye-opening insight into his work and way of life. Journalism is a field that has always interested me, however, prior to this talk, I… Continue Reading →

Free Sam: A Child Stuck in his Parents’ Relationship Breakdown

“Get through it, Sam, until you can get out of it.” This was Ms Barbara Reid’s husband’s moving advice to their grandson Sam. In her emotional talk, she recounted a heart-breaking story centred around her grandson, Sam. Sam is twelve… Continue Reading →

Hanna Alkaf: How to Write a Good Story

In her talk today, Hanna explained the basics of writing a good story or article. In this post, I will briefly recount the key ideas that she went over today. The ‘meat of the story. The interesting stuff, such as… Continue Reading →

Hanna Alkaf: The Weight of Cultural Representation in Literature

Today we had the great privilege of having guest author Hanna Alkaf speak to our grade level. Hanna, author of the award-winning novel ‘The Weight of our Sky’ gave us an insight into the impetus that led to the conception… Continue Reading →

Into the Deep end? How one woman went from not knowing how to swim to completing a half Ironman

I recently attended a talk by Mireille Couture, a teacher at UWC. This was the second talk I attended as part of a series of Writer’s Fortnight talks by members of our school community. Mireille has completed two half-ironmans, one… Continue Reading →

Speaker Reflection: Learning to have a Brother who was once my Sister

A member of our school community, Mr Scott Murray, recently came in to recount a story of interest that impacted him on a personal level. His talk centred around the recent transitioning of his former sister, Lisa, to his now… Continue Reading →

My Goals for High School

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