Post Project Week -Whole group video reflection


Linked above is the reflection including my entire project week group as we looked back on our 5 days in Cambodia.

Following this trip, I really felt as though I had clearly achieved and showed learning outcome number 2, overcoming challenges. In the build up to project week, there were a lot of challenges that our group faced in our personal relationships which caused a barrier between some of us on the trip. Although this sometimes effected our communication both individually and collectively, our group managed to overcome these challenges by putting the trip first and focusing on our different CAS aspects throughout the week. I felt that this was one of the most important outcomes to demonstrate as it showed our perseverance in dealing with situations by ourselves when we were out of adult supervision etc.

Additionally, the use learning outcome 3 was imperative in the week of project week as it consisted of planning and executing CAS experiences. With regards to the earlier point made, there were moments in time where our planning didn’t always go as smoothly as possible in relation to our CAS experiences, this meant we had to work together in order to make sure our group worked effectively within our CAS experiences. Prior to leaving for Cambodia, we had planned what we wanted to do with the children that we volunteered to help at ISF and this allowed us to execute the tasks with organisation and confidence. It meant that we all knew where we needed to go and what we needed to be doing.

All in all, project week was an experience with both highs and lows yet it gave opportunities for me and my group to demonstrate our learning outcomes and practice them for similar situations in our future lives.

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