Reflection Culturama 2018 – Ethiopia

Joining Culturama 2018 was an easy decision to make for me. I joined the dance show last year and I enjoyed so much the whole preparation process that I wanted to live it all again. This time I decided to try out for the country of Ethiopia, which has never been represented in Culturama. I did so because I had never tried any African dance before since I was afraid I was not  rapid and flexible enough to perform those kind of dance. Despite this, I auditioned and I got in. After few weeks the rehearsals started, the co-leader of the dance, left the group because of personal problems. A this point, Feven, the dance leader, proposed me to take the role of co-leader since I showed commitment to the activity. I was very surprised she asked me but also very honoured so I accepted. In the following month, I helped Feven to improve the dance adding new elements and coordinate better the dancers.

Being a dance leader was a responsibility that I did not regret to have taken since it taught me the importance of being a point of reference for other people. The dancers saw me as a person, together with Feven, to go ask to in case of any doubt so I took my role as a chance to help my peers.

At the end, the show was a success. I was glad of the fact that all the effort and commitment I put in this activity resulted to be helpful in setting up such a big show as Culturama 2018.

Global cooking class…ITALY!!

On the 16th of May, I joined primary school students for a cooking class! Global cooking is an activity run by Risa, a parent in school who weekly introduces a cousin from a new country to a group of students from grade 3 to 5. This Wednesday it was time for Italy so Risa contacted me to join the class on that day. It was a great experience for me because I made cooking all the kids a recipe my grandma used to make for me: gnocchi. I must admit it has been quite challenging keeping up with 20 kids excited about the yellow-soft dough and contemporary trying to replicate my childhood recipe which, despite all the good memories linked to it, I did not really remember. Here below some photos of the day with me and the kids cooking (maybe just playing) with extremely tasty gnocchi.

TOK- Describe a time when you made a bad decision


I have always liked cinema theatres. On November I started searching for a nice cinema theatre to go to in Singapore because until that time I only saw mall cinemas or IMAX which I don’t personally like because they are too dispersive and crowded for me. Thanks to my researches I discovered a cinema near to the stadium called “The projector”. I checked online tickets prices for regular screenings and I found out that the price for one ticket is 15 but they have 5 Singapore dollars discount for students. The price for me would have been 10 dollars which, translated into euro, is equal to 7.5 euro. Evaluating that I used to pay 5 euro to go to the cinema in Italy I concluded that going to the cinema it’s way more expensive in Singapore than in my city so I decided to search my movie online.

Reflecting now, after have been listening to Dan Gilbert talks about mistakes we regularly make on evaluating odds and values, I understood I made the error of confronting this new price and students discount with what I was used to paying in the past without considering the context that that price had. This cinema in Singapore is the only one that offers no-blockbuster movies and it has no the same size as the other multiplex in the city. At the end, I now realize that paying 2.5 more euro to have a cinema like that it is not such an insane idea as I thought before because it is offering something unique between all others offers which make it gains value.

Analyzing the reasoning of my choice through a syllogism it is possible to better understand the mistake I did:

The kind of cinema I like costs 5 euro

The kind of cinema I like in Singapore costs 7.5 euro


Singapore cinema is too expensive

Without context, this syllogism may seem right but the problem here is that I am only comparing the price with what I was used to paying and I am not considering the new context I am in now, that in this case is Singapore. For this reason, I did not go to the cinema for all this time thinking that this price was too much and I couldn’t afford 2.5 euro of difference. I have now understood that it is important to consider all aspects of an offer, comprehending the reason of that cost, not just only comparing with my little experience.

I think I’m going to the cinema this weekend.

Culturama Mexico

I decided to join Culturama because I think it is a great activity!Even before coming to the school I knew about Culturama and when I saw videos of the event I couldn’t wait to join it in the new year.I did the  audition for the mexican dance and luckly I got in.I loved the dance since the beginning and with practising I started getting better and better.Doing culturama has improved my skills in dancing and team working, in fact our performance requires coordiantion between every person who is involved: the times, the steps and the movements need to be done and executed in a fixated moment due to obtain the best performance. I’m looking forward for the final show and I can’t wait to collaborate more with my dancemates

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