Dear G11 exams…

That’s what I learnt from my relationship with you…

I think having these exams in April after two weeks of break was useful to get to know how IB exams work. Just sitting with all the whole grade like we were in the exam hall on the first day, where everyone was so serious and concentrate, made me feel under pressure. I personally did not like that environment but it is important to know how it is going to be like, no matter if you like it or not. Honestly, I don’t really like the exam air: it puts a lot of pressure on me and I tend to start thinking about everything that could go wrong. Strangely it did not happen a lot this week of exams (apart for math) but I’m scared for the future.

I think our relationship can work out with a bit of work from both sides: I’ll try to be as relaxed as possible and you will try to be as listening and helpful as possible.

Dance showcase – Final reflection

It was great. The show is over and the audience is enthusiastic of salsa Cubana. As soon as I walked on stage I  gave everything I had during those 3 minutes, really communicating joy and enthusiasm for this dance and the culture behind it. Our performance was really good, no mistakes, steps on time and everyone had a smile printed on their faces.As soon as we walked out of stage I heard screaming and shouting from the public and this really paid me off of all the effort we put in this event.

I was reluctant about joining this showcase at the start but I must admit now that it worth. I learned from this experience how to can be difficult putting together a show that lasts just 3 minutes and 30 seconds. Even if I joined and performed in Culturama, for this showcase I followed every step of preparation, since the beginning of the choreography until the outfit.

I am very satisfied of the work I have done and grateful for the great people I had the chance to work with.

Dance showcase- preparation

The moment has come.  In 2 hours I am going to stan up on the stage to perform what I worked hard for in the last 5 months: Salsa Cubana. The dance showcase is the climax of my dancing experience and I am now thrilled to show all the practise and new skills I have acquired so far. The 3 days before the show had been intense because of the many rehearsals we had every day from 15 to 20. I think all the effort we had put in this dance is appearing and since the final rehearsal it is already paying off. I am not extremely nervous as before Culturama but I still feel a little bit scared of what could go wrong on stage.

I am very excited. I can not wait to go on stage !!!

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