

LO 2 Demonstrate that challenges have been undertaken, developing new skills in the process

I’ve always had an interest in art, especially at home I love to paint and draw – however, of course, areas such as pottery aren’t so easy in your own bedroom. Therefore, I’ve seen this as is an opportunity for me to acquire new skills and abilities, which would also allow me to experiment in a new field of art and increase my expertise in art. This is a challenge considering I’ve never properly worked with clay except for of course time to time as a kid, and I also know there exist many difficulties with clay such as it exploding in the Kiln. Therefore – I’ve only had a few weeks so far but it’s been quite difficult and I haven’t figured out something I want to complete. Also, it has been challenging as unlike paint, it’s harder to create as there are so many more aspects to it such as being 4D, and clay is also very hard to manipulate. As a result, this has been very challenging, was at the same time, a unique experience for me!


Update: I made a fish and I don’t know where it went someone took it and I’m sad

Update: I MADE A RING FOR DYLAN and it was so cute

Update: Kimaya told me to make a walrus 🙂

Update: Dylan and I had a contest to make a better pot because we have different techniques. Mine was better. No offense.

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