RC3: Final EE Reflection

The most challenging aspect of the EE was the short word-limit. Therefore, it taught me valuable skills such as how to focus my writing (as I started off with a very broad question, and after further research, narrowed it to a subdivision I could try answer, which I then re-applied to the wider context in the end!). Additionally, as there are so many arguments in Philosophy, I had to choose the strongest two discussion points and ensure my analysis was straightforward; to be concise. Thus, for future essays, I’ll assure my points are focused in the planning stage (to also save time), rather than introducing many arguments (like I had done at first) and later cutting them out. However, I approached my essay with great time-management strategies, which personally means writing the first draft as soon as possible (even if it’s bad), because it allows to me layout/develop my thinking, recognize weak areas/confusion (to research further), and solidify an outline/basic understanding for the paper. Having completed that, I found it easy to consolidate/improve what was already there, without ever feeling pressed for time. Therefore – having discovered an approach that works best for me – I can apply this to future assignments!


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