Human Rights and Social Media

Global Perspectives

Global Perspectives: Saudi Arabia Woman Al Qunun Twitter Plead

In this lesson, I learnt about what impact social media has on human rights. Social media really helps to advocate for people’s rights. An example of this is Al Qunun, a woman from Saudi Arabia. Al Qunun was caught in Thailand right after she fled from Saudi Arabia. She wanted to go to Australia from Thailand to seek Asylum. Authorities were going to send her back to Saudi Arabia, but she fought. She posted a tweet on twitter asking for help. In just a few hours, she got the attention of thousands of people, including the organisation Human Rights Watch to help her. This made me aware of how powerful Social Media actually is. It helps to spread movements in a very short span of time.

One thought on “Human Rights and Social Media

  1. Good job!! You made some good points relating to the article and the situation regarding Al Qunun and Twitter. One thing I think that you did really well was quoting the article and subsequently building your ideas from that. One thing you could work on is going into more depth on the topic and making connections :)))

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