English Learning Portfolio

Overcoming the odds

Sabrina overcame the odds in many ways, she first overcame cancer which plagued her family for decades. Though she found it hard she was able to push through and survive it. However, the greatest odds she overcame was her child ‘Selina’, though very healthy and cute Sabrina had to go through many hardships in order to conceive Selina. It started after Chemo-therapy when she wanted a baby yet couldn’t fully finish the pregnancy. She went through 4-5 false pregnancies and miscarriages, Through this process, she got depressed and couldn’t figure out what was wrong. However, in her next pregnancy, she decided not to kill the baby instead keep it alive. Through this process, she couldn’t get support from her family as in times of stress they often got overprotective and worried too much. So, in the end, she only had one support group; her husband. She stated that her husband was the most supportive out of everyone, through the hardships and challenges he pushed her to continue with what she truely wanted. This struck me, as when faced with challenges in life it is sometimes very important to have a strong support group that is behind you through with everything even when things seem hard. She didn’t kill the baby, because she had already made up in her mind that she was going to raise this child and in the end she did! The doctors checked the baby after the birth and the baby was perfectly healthy. Though, surprising at the time I think this is the most significant part of the story. Through her extraordinary history she was able to keep a positive attitude and because of that attitude ‘Selina’ was able to be conceived against all the odds. I think the skill of being positive is often the most underappreciated as she mentions, that one of the biggest reasons she was able to push through the hardships was because of her positive attitude. This stuck to me as even though not everyone is blessed with a positive personality it is something we should all strive towards. As mentioned above a positive personality and support system can help everyone push against the hardest challenges, in her situation conceiving a child.

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