English Learning Portfolio

Political Cartoons Analysis

In hisĀ political cartoon, John Cole depicts “Uncle Sam” walking away carrying posters labelled “pandemic strategy” after having recently placed them on the wall behind him. The posters are placed such that instead of the wall showing “UNITED we STAND, DIVIDED we FALL” it shows “DISTANCED we STAND, DIVIDED we SURVIVE”. “Uncle Sam” is used in many cartoons to symbolise America and in this cartoon, it is used to show America’s response and strategy to fighting the COVID-19 pandemic. The cartoon is drawn such that the wall is very large and takes a greater proportion of the page, this emphasises the importance of the phrase painted on the wall and so possibly encourages its readers to heed its instructions. the phrase “UNITED we STAND, DIVIDED we FALL” is often used as a motto for many organisations and countries as an ideal way to react when they are faced with a challenge, however, ironically the posters show that social distancing and staying separated is the most efficient solution to contain this virus. By using the posters to block some words of the initial phrase the artist illustrates the urgency of the situation and how countries must now think practically not idealistically. Though this cartoon simply shows the strategy taken by the US, by depicting the character whistling casually, the artist possibly criticizes the strategy placed by the US and perhaps believes that the US should take the pandemic more seriously. Though social distancing is an inconvenience to many families the cartoon shows the strategy (poster) placed with tape suggesting that this is temporary and will end soon as many more efficient policies (posters) will be enacted.

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