English Learning Portfolio

Quarantine Life in Numbers

Duration of Drumming each day: 60-90 mins

Before the lockdown, I would mainly drum to practice for the exam and maybe a bit for fun but it wouldn’t last that long. However, now I drum for an extended period of time just to take some time of looking at my laptop or phone screen and in a way distract myself even when staying locked in.

The relative amount of sleep I get each day: 8 hours

School is pretty far away from my home and so I usually have to wake up early to make sure I catch my bus. However, due to the lockdown I don’t have to travel to school and so am able to wake up later and spend more time distracting myself or sleeping.

Number of hours in school: 7-8 hours

Since I don’t have to travel back and forth from school, I have a lot more time at home to do non-school stuff. For me, I get about 2 or more hours than I would’ve gotten in school excluding activities which are a lot of time.

How I feel from a scale of 1-10: 7.5

I’m starting to get used to the lockdown lifestyle and so it doesn’t feel as bad as it did last week. I have found many ways to distract myself and so overall it isn’t terrible right now even though life has become pretty monotonous.

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