English Learning Portfolio

Little Fires Everywhere: Implicit Racial Bias

What are your thoughts on some of the issues raised in the article and in the video? Are there any clear solutions? Where does responsibility lie?

Shaker Heights is arguably one of the most progressive and successful in terms of racial integration. However, a recent controversy circulating about a high school disruption by a black student demanding answers for the racial inequity that she witnessed suggesting that the city still has a long way to go before racial equity is solved in the city. The main issue hindering Shaker Heights is implicit racial bias. Even though African American families are supposed to have been integrated into Shaker Heights, many African American children are discriminated in many small ways in school. Racial bias still exists in Shaker Heights and this will be a challenge that will be very hard to overcome. The situation in Shaker Heights shows that to truly integrate other races into one’s city, they must not only be given equal opportunities but once they are given them, they mustn’t be discriminated against. As mentioned in the video cited above, to overcome this problem the city and its citizens must start having the difficult conversations and start critically analysing the areas where this racial bias occurs to eliminate them. I don’t think the blame for this situation should be pinned on any single individual rather the whole city. Families must start empathising and discussing with each other to identify where the racial bias occurs and what can be done about it. The mindset in the city must change from living next to the black families to living with the black families. Though the city has a lot to improve on, their history and outlook on the problem suggest that they are up to it.

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