English Learning Portfolio

Little Fires Everywhere: Isabelle Diary Entry

On "Little Fires Everywhere," everyone's secret comes out, setting ...

Dear Diary,

I think I did it. I think I got her where it hurts, she can’t undo this as she did with my hair. It’ll take a long time for her to live this down. Freak. That’s what April called me today, a freak. No one gets me, not one person, even April who I thought did is now gone and resents me. I don’t want to fit in, why is everyone obsessed with fitting in, as if fitting in results in you finishing life. Who cares? Well, I guess Elaina does. That woman will do anything to control me, to make me like her. To make me normal. I wrote “Not Your Puppet” on my head in the concert today instead of playing, and there’s no way this doesn’t agitate her, fill her with rage. I am definitely going to pay for this but it was all worth it if she keeps trying to control me I will continue to provoke her. For every time she forces me to style my hair a certain way, I will burn it, for every dress she forces me to wear, I will wear and put on a performance she won’t forget. I am my own person and nothing and no one will change that! Today was difficult, but tomorrow will be brutal, the name “freak” is definitely going to stick, but I think-no-I know it was all worth it. Maybe after this, she will finally let go of making me another Lexie, another replica of the great Elaina Richardson. Probably not, but I can at the very least dream.


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