Boomerang Bags Reflection #1

Boomerang bags was a service that I continued from last year due to my sheer enjoyment of being a part of it and this year I was given the opportunity to increase my involvement in the service as a part of the leadership team and it is something I am looking forward to in the rest of the year. Before the first few sessions, we were already presented with the opportunity of planning and creating the resources used in the introductory sessions:

Through doing the planning for the introduction, we analysed an article that talked about the problem of the disposal of plastic and how it negatively impacts the environment and compared the recycling statistics across several countries. Through this, I learned more about the issue of hyperplastic consumption as a whole in the context of the world as compared to in the context of our small college community. Not only did this help me to better understand the problem and thus make me aware of my own personal habits and behaviours that contribute to this unsustainable consumption of products it also allowed me to find the opportunities for our service to make more change. One possible opportunity that our service group thought of was not only using the bags as a semi-permenant replacement for plastic bags but also as a tool to raise awareness and educate the consumers of the boomerang bags on what the issue is and how they can continue to change their behaviours to become more sustainable.

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