Drums Reflection #1

Even though I had already done ITP since grade 7, from the first few sessions I knew it was going to be different. There were already challenges since we had to conduct the lessons with masks on, but this was balanced with the fact that we face-to-face examination cancelled so all we have to really practice for is just the performance aspect of the exam. So this year, or at least until the exam, is going to focus on developing new skills so that I am able to play the pieces for the exam but also on perfecting the skills I already have or am good at. I tend to be good at playing high volume rock songs and thus in a sense playing outwards and performing boisterously which really helps me with one of the pieces I have to learn, however, the other two pieces rely on precision and stamina which I am not as good at and so I plan to regularly practice every week the pieces along with some bass drum exercises to make sure that I can perform the pieces to the best of my ability. After all, performance is all about practice and perfection.

The main goal I have for dimming is to develop my skills in drumming so that I can play more pieces. One practical way I can measure my progress is through the result I get on the trinity grade 8 exam.

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