
  http://www.Aansh.blog.com 2018年11月24日    星期六 8:42 做义工经历 因为我们在学校学习IB国际文凭课程,所以课程要求我们参与社会活动。行动与服务计划是IB的中心课程之一,目的是希望学生通过社会实践服务动去体验生活。 我参加的活动叫SGM Murni,我和九个同学组织大概十二名三到四岁的小朋友一起做体操、玩游戏。参加这个活动是因为我喜欢体育运动,也喜欢跟小朋友一起玩儿。 这些小朋友来自低收入家庭,所以他们面临经济挑战,在生活上有一些限制。我们做的活动是拉、跳、旋转等动作,之后我们会跑步,玩游戏。除了要教他们体操以外,也要让他们锻炼身体。我希望给这些孩子享受这个活动,同时让他们感觉到快乐和自由。 总的来说,刚开始我觉得会很简单,后来发现并不容易。这次做义工的经历,让我学到了如何跟小朋友相处。因为照顾小朋友既要有耐心,又要有爱心。我也理解了父母的艰辛,以后我要感恩我的父母。通过这次活动我也变得更成熟。 大家对做义工有什么其他的看法呢?请给我留言。  

AIDA (Beginning) #LO2

AIDA, our school’s 2018/19 Music Production, is something that I was really excited to be part of. Having always performed classical pieces as a solo or a duet, I figured that it would be a good and new challenge to learn to perform as a part of a larger band while also expanding my musical … [Read more…]

Football (Midway) LO1

Football 2018 (Mid-season review) Learning Outcomes – Resilience – Communicator Having played in two tournaments and 6 ACSIS league games, I am so proud of the boys. Playing with flair, playing for the badge on our shirt is always a great feeling. Mid way through the season and only 3 weeks away from the most … [Read more…]

Maths and Me

My previous experience with Math was IGCSE where I took part in the additional mathematics and cambridge international mathematics course. While the CIM course was compulsory, I took part in the Additional Mathematics course as I have deep interest in algebra and wanted to challenge myself during my IGCSE math journey. I believed that taking … [Read more…]