PSE – Identity


In PSE, we’ve been learning about the importance of emotional intelligence (EQ) and the factors that contribute to one’s EQ. Through this, I now have more awareness about different personality types and how sometimes they can be influenced by EQ. Moreover, I now understand that identity has several aspects to it and one may be EQ.

I find this learning very applicable in terms of having interactions with others – being aware and sensitive towards different personalities is how one succeeds socially and manages to have productive interactions with others. Personally, I don’t think I can identify one personality type to define my identity, as I think I possess several characteristics of different personalities (for example, I think I’m a moderate risk taker as I like to challenge myself to step out of my comfort zone but at the same time, I’m self-aware and I like to think I make rational decisions). I think my friends would view me the same way, and I think it speaks about the awareness we have about the fact that we all have several personalities and it’s not so “black-and-white” as such because the lines are blurred between different personality traits.

My Initial Thoughts about Culturama 2018 – Reflection 1

Creativity Activity Service (CAS), Culturama '18 - Activity

I’m really excited to start CAS with a celebration like Culturama and truly do believe that it will help refine my understanding of different cultures, including my own.

I believe that an event like Culturama will help build upon my collaboration and communication skills, as it does involve the contribution and engagement of several people in a group to coordinate a good performance (LO5 – Collaboration). I think the biggest aspect of collaboration in Culturama Garba is being an active participant, and I think that will automatically be an easier thing for me to just because of my natural enthusiasm about Culturama

Moreover, I feel that Culturama will help develop my resilience as it will entail me challenging myself to dance confidently in front of a large group of people. I think Culturama is also about building friendships amongst people in the dance or even others who are involved in some way. This can help to later achieve peace and harmony in the school community – which Culturama, in a sense, strives to do (LO6 – Global Value). Participants of Culturama have already identified such crucial issues such as cultural diversity and freedom of expression. I’m happy that I can use this learning outcome to acknowledge global issues but make my own impact in the school community. I think Culturama addresses the awareness aspect of making a difference

I believe that Culturama will be a well cherished high school experience, although having the opportunity to dance and express a culture uniquely and accurately is a  big responsibility, I also consider it as a way of discovery and learning not just about yourself, but your surrounding environment around you. I hope that by the end of Culturama, I can identify certain similarities and differences between different cultures in the dance showcase and hope that overall, this can help to bring a sense of unity in our school community.

My goal by the end of Culturama is to be able to actively embrace my culture as well as learn about other cultures participating in the dance.  Moreover, I want to be able to better refine my dancing skills so I can enhance my performance in Kahaani which I plan to do later in the year.


Our first rehearsal:



