Throughout this unit, I have worked with basics like walking in controlled movements to expressing my ideas freely. Honestly, this whole learning process taught me more than I could have imagined as I have never taken drama before and every new finding and lesson is a ton of knowledge. I learnt even more about the use of lights to use of sound and how every play has its significantly different characteristics which makes it what it is. In the creative process of developing this piece about displacement i was thoroughly inspired by an extract i read once in a novel and i tried to incorporate into our piece. The process was like building blocks, we started with a basic idea of losing senses and developed that step by step into something i’m proud of. The evolution of this piece from a blank paper into this final performance was just fascinating and captivating and i truly saw myself being reflected and being expressed. We used a few props and changed their meaning in each scene to show the malleability like we used rope to show waves of water which then turned into a frame which was inspired by a play we watched recently… We also used black organza to show the loss of hope and white organza to show purity and once again gain hope into the piece. This piece we made was only a starting point and the product of the past few weeks was quite good and i was satisfied with it but I also would have wanted to work more on it and make it more developed. I would also like to learn more about the sound skills after this experience as thats one thing i was not completely satisfied with in my piece. Although i would have loved to perform this piece, i think my team did a wonderful job with synchrony and control in their movements and their shift in tones from tension to peace was quite enthralling.


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