JSK – Swimdonesia 2019

The same as the previous year, JSK teamed up with two other GCs focusing on issues in Indonesia. Collaboratively, we organised this year’s fundraising event and did our part by being in charge of food/drink stations. With the feedback from last year’s event, our stall operations ran more efficiently. This was mostly because volunteers came […]

JSK – Interview Montage

https://drive.google.com/open?id=1EfjLpIaTOjcHV_yWcMcs5ewXiJ5pSODN I edited and translated interview clips of children that JSK has worked with. The footage was taken by a project week group from 2018. Some of the translation credit goes to Rania Pramantika and this video was completed for Family Festival. By making this video, it helped me to find a role that I […]