Yeon Seo’s Hierarchy of Needs


       In my own hierarchy of needs model, I had not changed much, only removing the “Self-Actualisation” part, which reduces the triangle into 4 parts. The reason I did this is because, in my own opinion, self-actualisation isn’t really a need but rather it’s a want. It’s not entirely a want but rather it’s a more to a self-fulfilment need. Someone may feel a little bit empty on the inside if this is not fulfilled but it’s not something a person needs to survive. Having self-actualisation is needed to have a fulfilled life but not exactly for survival.

       Additionally, I personally think that physiological needs are needed for daily survival and safety is needed to secure those physiological needs. Hence, because these two categories are vital for survival, I would categorise it as basic needs. Next, love and belonging, and esteem is for psychological needs. This category is needed for sanity and self love. Without this, one would loose their sanity and would try to hurt themselves or even commit suicide. The reason to why I had place love and belonging above safety is because safety is needed to have safe and secure relationships with family and friends. Furthermore, esteem has been placed above love and belonging because without the love, feeling of belonging, and support from family and friends, one could not gain self-esteem and confidence.

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