NCID Cares First Reflection

I initially chose this service as I wanted to have an experience on interacting with hospital patients. I have no intention on going towards a medical field in the future but I felt like this experience would help me interact with others more and opening up my confidence (LO 2). I was really excited to start this service as although my confidence isn’t the best, I wanted to know more about their people and their story. I’m curious to what do they like to do, their insights towards a certain issue, and other things along those lines.

Moreover, during the start of this service, although I hear it often due to the use of social media (especially during World AIDS day), I was completely clueless to what HIV or AIDS was. This also meant that I was not aware of the stereotypes revolving HIV and AIDS. After learning about it during the introductory session, I became aware of how those stereotypes came about. I do think that these stereotypes are based on misinformation and by using social media, it quickly spread into a stereotype. I hope that through this service, I am able to make others aware of those stereotypes and how most aren’t true and hopefully make those with HIV and AIDS more welcome socially (Lo 6).

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