Final Project Week reflection

Project Week was a successful experience for my group and I. In the beginning with the minor setbacks we had regarding the planning stages were easily overcome when we all got together and started working hard to fix it.

Everything went according to our plan, we had no trouble with flights, our third party provider for the activity was really organised and helpful when we needed. For example, in the last day of our activity one of my friends with me had a minor accident when cycling and the tour guides were extremely fast and helpful to help him clear the wounds and recover. The following three days that we working with our Service partner it was a amazing experience not just for us but for the kids we worked with. It was a challenge for us due to the language boundaries and the fact that we didn’t get much information from them place of what were the students specific needs. However, as we concluded by the end of the trip we believe that were were successful when planning the activities with the kids, also managing to give them so fun experience while gaining awareness of the opportunities they have by staying in the residence/school.

Overall, after our final meeting after we returned from the trip, we all agreed that it was a challenge for all of us, in a physical and physiological way, as it was the first time we did a trip by ourselves and we had the challenge to plan insightful activities for the kids.

Follow some photos of the trip:


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