Moving forward in Economeast

L01:  Identifying own strengths and develop areas for personal growth

For economeast this year, I have found myself getting frustrated on multiple occasions. For our second round of articles, the members of the activity have been quite disorganised. Knowing that this would be a busy term for me, I planned ahead and made sure that my article was ready before the term started and I could focus my efforts towards editing other people’s articles. However, no other member of the group had their article ready even by the set due dates and therefore I could not do my second role of editing in the allocated time. This was particularly frustrating since I had a lot of other things going on and did not have the time to edit the other articles whenever they were ready. I attempted to fix this problem by talking to the leaders of the activity, yet; individuals still did not complete the work on time. I think that looking forward I need to understand that it was beneficial that I got my work done ahead of time, but I need to be more flexible when it comes to work that is dependant on others.


L06: Demonstrate engagement with issues of global significance

This year, I have joined economeast. In this activity we have to write two articles related to economics for the magazine. Up till now, we have only chose our topics, however while researching for our topics I learnt a lot of the world around us and how economics links into everything. I read an article on Uber being discontinued in London and it make me think of all the repercussions, including unemployment and a reduction in the GDP. Upon realising this, I started to think about all the impacts our seemingly small actions have on the environment around us. Everything we do has a consequence and although that seems shocking at first, it is really what helps the earth run. Causes lead to effects and effects have causes. This is evident in every global crisis, the world has seen up till date. As a result of understanding this, I have become more keen on reading news about the world and have started documenting articles I read and answering questions about them. The articles I read a primarily related to economics, to help me with that subject, but this task will help me in all aspects of my learning.

Here is an example of my record:

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