Writers Fortnight – Fostering Children

The second talk I attended was by a resident teacher here at UWCSEA (Mrs Pauline Sharry). She shared her experience in fostering children and when sometimes things don’t work out. She and her husband had applied to be short term foster parents and had figured that as they were already teachers fostering children shouldn’t be much different or harder which is what I would’ve thought as well if I was in her position. They ended up receiving a 6-year old boy in need of an emergency home. And ended up fostering him for about 11 months. She spoke about how even though she loved him he became too much, he would constantly act out and cause trouble and they had realized it was because the boy had genuinely thought that he didn’t deserve their love or anything they gave him. It became so bad that Mr and Mrs Sharry decided to stop fostering him and he ended up going to another foster home. I wasn’t too big of a fan of this talk as I can’t understand how you can love a child for 11 months then give him up so he has to live with another family. After the talk, I understood that fostering for a child and being a teacher are two very different jobs that demand very different things from the respective person doing the job and I have huge respect for Mrs Sharry for caring for children who need a home.

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