How much of a priority do you make sleep?

Sleep is essential to consolidate our memories and allow our bodies to be productive the next day. The lack of sleep can result in many negative impacts such as developing diseases or infections, increasing the risk of obesity, creating changes in our body weight etc. I think many people who are especially in their teens often don’t prioritise sleep or they don’t get as much as they need to due to the huge demand for work and balancing outside activities. Personally, I don’t think I’m lacking in sleep, I usually get 8 hours of sleep on a daily basis. However, over the past couple of days I have been able to identify changes in my mood and actions as a consequence of trying to get assignments done, thus not getting enough sleep. I realise I’m not as productive as I would be if I had enough sleep, yet some people may say I still get enough sleep as I’m still able to get 7 hours of sleep. Therefore I think the number of hours you sleep depends on every individual and their sleeping habits. Since I don’t often go to bed extremely late, if other work arises and I prioritise those, I feel like I’m not getting enough sleep. I think it’s vital to have a constant/daily sleeping habit, don’t oversleep and don’t lack sleep so that the body can recognise these patterns and allow us to concentrate and be productive the following day.

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